Power full land sliding at Daniyore Gilgit old Bridge pic.twitter.com/3UqaRJORWH
— kumail hassan (@KummailHassan) October 26, 2015
Latest map of the 830 felt reports collected through LastQuake amsrtphone app and EMSC websites pic.twitter.com/VdAU017wzr
— EMSC (@LastQuake) October 26, 2015
JUST IN: #earthquake image from #Kashmir (via @ahmermkhan) pic.twitter.com/tZspqxaiPg
— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather) October 26, 2015
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: People in Noida rush out of offices as #earthquake tremors rocked the capital pic.twitter.com/tn6py68MMM
— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather) October 26, 2015
Komentar: Egipat: Olujno nevrijeme u Aleksandriji, sedam ljudi poginulo zbog pucanja žica za električnu energiju